I use a custom log class on all my Android projects to easy my life.
- Possibility to enable/disable log by configuration. Useful to keep your releases clean.
- Class call trace. Know which class is displaying which log message with no extra text.
How it's done?
Really easy. Just create a new class:
class Log {
public final static String LOGTAG = "Phone2Chrome";
static final boolean LOGV = true;
static void v(String logMe) {
if (LOGV) {
try {
throw new Exception("go go logger");
} catch (Exception e) {
String className = e.getStackTrace()[1].getClassName();
className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".")+1, className.length());
android.util.Log.v(LOGTAG, className + "." + e.getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() + "() --- " + logMe);
Import it in your Android classes and make this replacement:
void myFunction() {
- Log.d(TAG, "MyActivity - myFunction: hello logcat");
+ Log.v("hello logcat");
What you are going to see in logcat is something like this:
V/Phone2Chrome(16119): MyActivity.myFuntion() --- hello logcat.
No more dirty log messages anymore!